This is a boxed set of five small Japanese lacquer tables/trays. The box measures 29" tall x 15-5/8" wide x 15-7/8" deep. It appears to be made of cedar. Each of the five lacquer table/trays measure 13-7/8" square x 4-3/4" tall. Four of five trays are undamaged and in fine condition. The fifth table has suffered a crack in the center of the serving area.
These trays were bought from an antique dealer in Fukuoka, Japan in 1999. They have been in our possession since.
Dear Jim,
What you have here is indeed a lovely wooden chest with serving trays from Japan. I believe these are not antiques but made mid 20th century or a little later. These trays were made more for home decoration then to serve food or drinks. You could put a vase with flowers on it or small decorative objects. Its nice the original chest is there. I believe despite of the lack of age on this object it is desirable for quite a group of buyers I suspect. I would not be surprised if your chest with serving trays would fetch a price around the estimate I gave above.
This is the text on the Tomobako:
Kurashima seizō Kubota Shunkichirō zō' 鞍島久保田春吉郎造 (Made in Kurashima by Kubota Shunkichiro)
I do not see any sign of a date but its clear to me on the basis of style, wear, and appearance that we are not talking about an antique set.
I'm sorry to inform you.
Simon Breider
These trays were advertised on Facebook Marketplace. A kind soul interpreted the characters and she indicated these trays were made not mid-20th century but in the 1920's. I want to trust your service, but it may well be that you did not have someone interpret the characters. Can you give this another go? I would appreciate clarification.