An excellent abstract art by Affandi a known artist from Indonesia, in oil over canvas. The scene is at hill padi fields possibly in Bali Indonesia, where local farmers are seen toiling away in hot sun and windy day to cultivate padi for their living. The color scheme are colorful bright and interesting composition. The painting was done in 1980 with the signature AF1980 written on bottom left corner. The canvas is still in good condition and carries a new wooden frame as the old ones could no longer be used. The painting size is 135cmx110cm.
The painting was owned by a collector in Semarang Central Java, which was brought to Bandung in mid 2017 and kept by Mr Herru Prayogo an artist/dealer until i bought it in december 2017.
Dear Robani - Another strong painting by Kusama Affandi (1907 - 1990), it's a healthy size and like your other examples right in the heart of the style which is currently selling best at auction (the only real exception being his self-portraits). I'm going to be very, very conservative and estimate this piece between $102K and $125K. On occasion, works similar to this piece have come between $185K and $190K.
Let me know if you have any followup questions about this or any of your other submissions.
Cheers and best of luck to you!
Thank you Erin for the appraisal on this piece of work by Affandi, the value given as indeed very fair slightly higher than the rest of his similar work. Now i guess the cchallenge is to convert the value to cash, thanks again!