by Migita Toshihide From the series Beautiful Women for the Twelve Months Published by Akiyaya Buemon in 1901
value in 1980 was $1800
Thank you for your appraisal inquiry with MeArto. The item presented appears to be a color woodblock by Toshihide Migita (右田 年英, Japanese; 1862 – 1925) from the monthly series titled Beautiful Women for the Twelve Months (Bijin Juni-shi), of the early 20th century, published by Akiyama Buemon
Toshihide Migita, also known as Oju Toshihide or Toshihide, was a traditional ukiyo-e print maker and painter. His prints depicting the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars are considered historical and pictorial documents. These sensō-e war prints are Toshihide's most desired prints.
The print presented depicts the January scene of the series and should measure in the traditional Oban format of 14 x 9.5 inches. If this measurement is incorrect, please let us know, it may effect value.
The estimate provided is based on recent auction estimates and result of early 20th century woodblock by Toshihide, excluding his war print, which are must more valuable.