hand painted asian vase dark bue gold accents 12 in high 5 in wide aporox..floral design red pink roses on front..single rise in back..yellow butterfly
nor sure but think purchased antique dealer
Dear Aurora,
What you have here is a Chinese cloisonne vase made around 1970. Cloisonne is a technic were metal wires attached to a metal surface is ''painted'' with glass paste in different colors. After that the vase is heated and the glass paste will bake into a hard and shiny surface. Its done for century's but your vase is quite recent. It need to be in perfect condition to have value. These vases were exported from China in quite large amounts and you can find the quite easily in auction houses, Ebay or flea markets.
there is a sticker with a 270 dollar price tag and think it was dated 1994 ..so it seems that it was overvalued originally?
Yes indeed. Its really way to much.
thank you