The piece is approximately 47"x65". It is wrapped and tacked on the backside to a wood frame. The ink is faded on the front but more vibrant on the back side. We acquired this from a relative in Tegernsee Germany who was an avid hunter and collected hunt-related artifacts.
Inherited from relative in Tegernsee Germany.
This is an antique early 20th century Continental decorative tapestry with a Classical allegorical scene. Tapestries are produced on a loom using a warp and a weft. In the Medieval and Renaissance eras, tapestries were monumental sizes big enough to cover entire tall castle walls and used for insulation in the cold weather months. Those tapestries were the most valuable in the estate, moreso than gold and silver at that time. Most tapestries are mechanically produced, smaller in size and intended just for decorative use. The fading happens from sun and air exposure and is called 'fleeting', The estimate is based on actual recent past recorded auction sales of comparables.