This is a white patent leather bag made by Gucci I think in the 1980s. It has never been used, it still has the stuffing paper inside it and it has its dust cover bag, as well. The bag is about 18" wide, 15" tall (not including the handles, which go up another 7") and 6" thick. The serial number on the tag inside is: 002-2034-0406
My mother bought this bag new in the 1980s for $100. She never used it.
Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This handbag is unfortunately just a handbag, but not made for Gucci. The poor material, the missing precission in workmanship and the far too low original price are an indication. You will also notice that the impressed logo is tilted. Fakes have no market value. There is no measurement for the sentimental value you might attach to it. Use it, it still is a handbag.