18. Japanese Woodblock Pentatych Prints. Nineteenth Century. Suite of five prints read from right to left and depicting procession of geisha with their attendants, on festive day. By Eizan (1787-1867). Much loss of color. Framed. Approximate dimensions: 15-1/2”h x 48” w interior, 23” h x 54”w exterior. Insurance appraised 1995 for $2200.
Inherited from my father's estate. One continuous family ownership since acquiring it.
Dear Graham,
Your Woodblock Pentaptych Prints of Kikukawa Eizan is probably authentic. Its actually hard to say behind glass. To be sure it need to be taken out of the frame and I need to see details and the back of the prints. In general I have bot so much doubt because the loss of color is devaluating and I have no examples of late prints of copy's looking like this. Its depicting Mitate of a Daimyo's Procession. Daimyo is a Japanese warlord and Mitate is referring to a art work wich shows different layers of meaning usually to humorous effect. The appraised value in 1995 is maybe reasonable for insurance purposes but I believe a fair market price is way beyond that. I date it around 1850.
Dear Graham,
I must apologize for my mediocre use of the English language. I am Dutch in origin and did develop my English language in school and also in practical way but when I work fast I tend to forget to do the extra checks before sending the message out. Again, sorry for that.
Here is the correct sentence:
In general I have not so much doubt about this print being original. The loss of color is looking natural to me; I think the print was in the sunlight for quite some years to become like this.
To be honest I do not have a clue what the original sentence was supposed to say but this is what I had in mind ..
Could be autocorrect or something but I never had it like this before in the text block we use in Mearto. Maybe my brain was not functioning properly.
The other sentence must be:
The appraised value in 1995 is maybe reasonable for insurance purposes but I believe a fair market price is way below that.
The value in dollars should be $450 - 650.
Simon Breider
Dear Mearto Appraiser S.K. Breider,
I've received your conditional appraisal for the above Japanese Woodblock Pentatych Print. As your appraisal estimate came in below $1000, it's not worth pursuing further investment to document full authenticity. Two requests to finalize this Mearto appraisal, nonetheless: Please take a moment to carefully read your appraisal, and improve the grammar and spelling within it. When you say "In general, I have bot so much doubt because the loss of color is...." I have no idea what you are trying to communicate. Also, on your last sentence that refers to "...market price is way beyond that..." -Please rephrase that. That is simply unclear to me, or my insurance company. I'm still going to submit this to my homeowner's insurance co. to schedule this item, and I'd prefer to not have typos and cryptic sentences etc. on it. Also, I'm located here in the United States and I'd prefer you list your conditional appraisal value in US dollars, rather than euros. Thank you very much. Graham Stephenson