lady dior
bought from dealer
Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
It is a beautiful Lady Dior handbag. Such vintage designer handbags are being offered at auction on a regular basis.
From the photos your handbag looks authentic, however it is very hard to tell the fake from the real ones and as the price of the real ones are very high the fakes are getting better and better. On the circular leather label it should only read Christian Dior. On the inside label there should be a number on the backside. On the base there should be 5 small "feet" to support the bag when left on the table/ground. I cannot see these particular things from the photos you have uploaded. But from what I can see I believe that it is an authentic bag however the other details also have to be checked out.
If you happen to have the original reciept, the dustbag, the Dior authentication card that was inside the new bag, or the box it would help authenticate the bag.
The estimate provided is for a well-advertised specialised online vintage designer accessories and handbags auction, where I believe the Dior handbag has the best chance of realising its fullest potential. However, there is no measurement for the sentimental value you might attach to the Lady Dior handbag. Retail "asking prices" can be higher and vary.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I’m happy to help.
Thank you