Oreodont skull, spine with hip
Prepared Oreodont Fossil Example
Oligocene Period (33.9 to 23 million years ago)
Possible North American source
A fossil example of a upper and jaw skull, back vertebrae, and Ilium pelvis bones of an oreodont. The example is in a yellow, sandstone like matrix. I do believe this fossil example may have been assembled and set into a plaster like substance to create the fossil plate. From images, I am not able to tell if the fossil bones are from a single example, or authentic fossilized bone and not cast examples. An in-person evaluate would be able to tell by looking at eh matrix connection to the bones and a scratch test on a small section of the example. This is a some what common mammalian fossil found in North America. It is a great example and the FMV given is based on my assumption that it is a manipulated example. If the item is discovered to be found as a true fossil example in the found matirx: the price assessment would adjust to $275 to $350 USD. It is an interesting example and would make a great display or teaching example for educators.