I cant read what it says its a orential painting . Has a date on frame Sept 23 1983. Least i think it says 1983 maybe its 1963.Has number 95 on back of canvas at top in middle. And some other number 023785 Also size of frame says 24 x 36. Also says mexico above size on frame. Any info would be greatly appreciate. I dont even know if its japenese or chinese. I put the price at 1000.00 honestly i dont know if its worth ten .
Received from dad
Dear Darlene,
What a beautiful Chinese painting. It is made in traditional style. The date 1983 is the date,when it was frame, but we also believed that it is 2nd half of the century. the prices of modern Chinese art are rising and it would be easy to sell. For instance in a local auction house.
Thank you but what does it say?who is artist? The wrting on it