Black Prada fabric handbag with metallic magnetic clasp and long single strap. Dimensions: 7 inches wide, 5 inches tall
Owned by my grandmother, likely purchased new (unsure when)
Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
It is a beautiful handbag.
However after having examined the photos very carefully we have come to the conclusion that it is not an original Prada handbag. The way the triangle logo is made and placed on the front of the bag is not up to the usual Prada standard. The lettering on the triangle logo is not the same as seen on authentic Prada items. The interior of the handbag is of a lesser quality than what Prada makes. These are some of the crucial points when determining if it is an original Prada bag. We have also examined the fabric and the stitches on the photos and again the quality is not quite the usual high Prada quality of leatherworks and stitches.
The sentimental value it represents to you will be much higher than the market value.
I am very sorry for the unfortunate news.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I’m happy to help.
Thank you
Thank you!! We suspected this and it's good to have confirmation.