Jupiter and Antiope, original heliogravure on paper, from the rare limited edition of 360, published in 1883
Auction House
Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This appears to be a photographic reproduction in the heliogravure technique after an etching by Rembrandt, printed by Maison Quantin, a French printer and publishing house founded in Paris in 1876 by Albert Quantin which existed until approximately 1914. This publisher is known for high quality reproductions of Rembrandt etchings and also modern art prints. The photographic image of the etching was transferred onto a specially prepared copper plate, etched in acid, and then printed on paper with a hand press in limited quantities, basically just as an etching would be. Several other print shops did identical reproduction prints during this era, e.g. the Reichsdruck facsimile prints by Reichsdruckerei Berlin. Those sell for very small amounts. The estimate is based on similar A.Quantin prints actually sold at auction. Asking prices in the trade can be higher and can vary.