handbag is made out if soft leather. it is multicolored but dominant is beige. there is a gold stamp of garavani's name at the back. handles are brown, the interior is maroon. there are 3 slots and a zippered pocket where the serial number is.
seller of bags
Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
It is a beautiful vintage Valentino handbag. Such vintage designer accessories are being offered at auction on a regular basis.
The handbag has a lovely design that is very modern and classic at the same time. From the photos it appears that the handbag has only minor signs of wear after use and no restorations made to the bag/leather. This is very good as buyers both collectors and dealers favour items in good condition. From the design and colours of the bag I would say it was made in the early 2000s.
The estimate provided is for a well-advertised specialised online designer accessories auction, where I believe the handbag has the best chance of realising its fullest potential. However, there is no measurement for the sentimental value you might attach to the Valentino Garavani leather handbag. Retail "asking prices" can be higher and vary.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I’m happy to help.
Thank you