Beige leather Gucci purse, medium sized with gucci insignia all over front and back of bag. I can provide photos.
This bag was a gift given to my mother and given to me when she passed away.
Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry. So that I may best assist you, can you please upload a few better images of the stamp inside. Also is there a leather tag stamped with the Gucci name, made in Italy and a serial number on the back of the tag?
Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
It is a beautiful handbag.
However after having examined the photos very carefully we have come to the conclusion that it is not an original Gucci handbag. The way the number is marked on the inside is not the typical way that Gucci marks their bags. There is usually a leather tag with Gucci and Made in Italy on one side and the number stamped on the back. However it is true that the 1970-80s bags were marked differently however on the logo mark the name Gucci is missing which it would not be on an original Gucci bag.
This tag is one of the crucial points when determining if it is an original Gucci bag. We have also looked closely at the leather and the stitches on the photos and again the quality is not quite the usual high Gucci quality of leatherworks and stitches.
The sentimental value it represents to you will be much higher than the market value.
I am very sorry for the unfortunate news.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I’m happy to help.
Thank you
No tags just the serial number inside and on the other side is a stamp with Italy under the logo. I read that older bags from 1970s-80s do not have tags.