I have a wooden bench. 60" Long. 16" wide. 17" high. It has 2 cushions. AN adjustment handle on the side with some gears. It also has an arm that sicks out at both ends. It would appear to be an examination table/bench but it is pretty low for that. It has cables under the cushions but the mechanism doesn't work at the moment. It appears to be pretty old. Wood may be oak.
Came out of a home that the same family has lived in since 1885. The family has no idea what it is either.
Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This appears to be a second half 19th century chiropractitioner bench. There are a few pieces missing, I would assume the metal rods once held something to stretch the patient. The wood might be some kind of mahogany, the black fabric appears to be original. Unfortunately there is hardly any demand for such benches. As a highly decorative bench and conversation piece it would possibly sell in the price range listed at auction. There is no measurement for the sentimental value you might attach to the item.
Hi Klaus. If you click on the photos and enlarge them you will see them sticking out one at each end. They have a square hole in them so something can slip into them. They then are adjusted in or out depending on the person height. Or at least that is what it looks like. All 3 pics show them.