This cabinet was given to us by an elderly lady who didn’t know much about the background of this piece. According to the plaque, it was made in the Philippines by A.C. Florentino of Florentino’s Enterprises. It is 40”x 80”x 20” and is very heavy. It has some damage to the finish on the left side of the top but is otherwise in good condition for an antique. The front piece is covered by beveled glass and the wood appears to be either mahogany or teak.
It was been sitting in her living room for decades.
Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This appears to be a sideboard in the shape of altar table, decorated with a gilt carving in the center and two doors to each side, decorated with the chinese character SHOU for long life. Production most likely in China or by chinese craftsmen in the Philippines in the 1930s to 1950s. The estimate is based on similar sold at auction. Prices in the trade are usually higher and can vary.