This Asian collage is roughly 21" wide by 13" high (not including the frame) and appears to be made of stamps (or money?) cut and laid on silk. I don't really know anything about it, other than it's been hanging in my house for 50+ years, so it's relatively old.
It was my parents' and has been hanging in my house for 50+ years.
Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This appears to be a vintage chinese collage made from fragments of older postage stamps, mostly from countries belonging to the then eastern block. A few stamps are identifiable and can be dated to after 1956. I is a highly artful collage, delicately cut and well composed based on traditional chinese art, using all the material available. There is no real collector´s market for such collages, it would be the highly decorative value for the most part. The estimate is based on similar decorative home decor items sold at auction. There is no measurement for the sentimental value you might attach to the item.