Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This particular pernilla long chair on wheels has a long auction history and has seen several attempts to sell it again at auction. It is a rare piece and an auction estimate within the range given is totally justified. Currently a vintage pernilla 3 lounge chair WITHOUT wheels sells in the 1500-2000 USD range. An auction house might be willing to accept it again if you are willing to lower your expectations and thus add a market potential.
Yes, it is a self fulfilling prophecy. Once a trend is set it goes from there. Also reproductions are available which tend to push down the price, both by supply and lesser prestige value. If a major Bruno Mathsson exhibiton should be in preparaton , sell it the day before the exhibition opens, thus the item has "potential" when you sell it. Good luck.
Thanks - I had done some research on the auction history and noticed it's been it's been devalued in appraisals over the past years. It was appraised at $9,000 - $12,000 in 2012 by Wright auction house and sold for $10,000. Subsequent appraisals have been lower and lower.
Is this due to lack of interest at that price point? Other factors?