Chinese Charger two flowering trees with birds
14 inch - see ft long ruler edge at bottom of first picture
Considering this images, this piece is:
A decorative Chinese hand-painted charger plate from 20th century. Charger plates are usually placed under the plates and bowls used to serve each course of the meal. Chargers plates are not intended to come in contact with the food that will be eaten. Their purpose is to add to the visual effect of your table, allow servers to easily replace the bowls and plates held on the charger and prevent stains and damage to your linens by catching food and spills.
This decorative plate was hand painted by a well trained Chinese artist specializing in plate painting. These types of Chinese panels with iconic bird scenes and striking backgrounds surrounded by flowers and nature depict good fortune and protection symbols. Birds are particularly depicting as a pair or in groups as it provides good luck. The motifs in this set are recurrent motifs in the 20th century Chinese art.
This type of picture were produced for Western traders and travellers to China who wanted return home with an example of Oriental culture. They were often presented in silk albums so they could be easily transported over long distances.
Good condition