This is an engraved wooden chest approximately 24"x14" Dx12"H. It was bequeathed to mother by my great aunt. My great aunt's sister and husband were missionaries in India during the Second World War. As the Japanese advanced toward their district they had to abandon their home and this was one of the few things they took with them. Although they purchased it in India the engraving looks Chinese or perhaps Japanese? The engraving is intricate and is on all four sides and the top. My great aunt's sisters name is written on the bottom on the inside and there is writing and markings on the bottom which are not in English. The chest is in wonderful condition.
It was owned by my great aunt's sister but has never been exhibited.
Dear Mark,
What you have here is a Chinese camphor chest from mid 20th century. Its not an antique yet. Carving is above average and the decoration with traditional dragon and Chinese junk is appealing to quite some dealers and buyers of Chinese art. The only thing against it, is it age. The antique chests make more money of course. If your chest came to an auction or sale I would expect it to fetch a price around the estimate I gave above.