Large, circular copper tray. Possible Turkish origin as it was bought there over 50 yeard ago Good condition
39 ins by 39 approc
Hi Eithne,
Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
The vast majority of these copper trays sold in Turkey and throughout the Middle East were marketed for the tourist / export trade, regardless of age; this appears to have been made in the mid 20th Century, possibly earlier, but conforms to a style that has been replicated and repeated for generations.
When these are sold at auction, they usually bring between USD$200-300; sometimes you'll see them priced higher by retail sellers either online or in brick-and-mortar stores or antiques stores.
Based on the photos and information provided, and subject to examination, this is:
A vintage Middle Eastern large engraved copper tray
mid 20th Century
Profusely engraved with stylized motifs, central medallion with indistinct calligraphy script.
39 inches diameter
CONDITION: This tray appears to be in good condition with minor oxidation and denting commensurate to age and use.
PROVENANCE: Purchased in Turkey in the 1970s
CAD$ 285-430*
*represents a fair-market value for auction purposes; retail or asking price may vary.
Please let us know if you have additional items to appraise, or questions/concerns, and thank you again for using Mearto.
~ Delia