This Turtle Tree is a porcelain figure with 3 real sea turtles. The flippers on each turtle are attached by horse hair and move with the slightest vibration. The figure is mounted and covered by a glass dome to protect it. The Turtle Tree came from Macao in1854 on the merchant ship Gertrude captained by Alexander Windsor bought from his estate in 1900. Dimensions: 3”w x 6”h
Alexander Windsor’s estate then inherited from my wife’s mother Nate Tallman
Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This appears to be a chinese novelty decorative item, consisting of a piece of porcelain formed as submarine rocks or plants to which taxidermy specimens of sea turtles are attached, the flippers attached with horsehair to be able to move freely. On a turned and carved rosewood base with some hand painted gilding. The turtle is a mystical being in chinese culture, It represents wisdom and longevity. I couldn´t locate anything exactly comparable in previous auctions. As it is only in part porcelain it will most likely not attract bids from porcelain collectors. The estimate is based on similar decorative mixed media novelty items of the mid 19th century produced in China. There is no measurement for the sentimental value you might attach to the item.