It is 20.5lbs and is 26" tall and about 18" wide. The shade has 6 sides. It is a very heavy metal frame with stained glass.
I received this item from my godmother who would be over 100 years old if still alive. She lived in the northern Indiana area and her mother and father were originally from Germany/France border. I don't know where the lamp was made or anything else about it.
This appears to be a bent panel slag glass table lamp with bronze patinated spelter base showing some wear consistent with age. Cast metal lamp shade shows garden scenery with geese and bridge, the slag glass of green or orange colour. There is no makers mark, but one can be sure that this decorative table lamp was manufactured in the USA. Currently the beauty of these lamps is underestimated, current auction results are not as high as you would expect. The estimate is based on auction results of the recent past. "Asking prices" in the trade can be higher and vary. There is no measurement for the sentimental value you might attach to it.
Thank you for your comments and appraisal. I will use this service again.