Oil Painting
I bought this painting at a thrift shop
This is a later 20th century painting, from about 1990, that was done by an unlisted artist who illegibly signed Sacha the work. It is a still life and done in a commercial or decorative wall art style. The work is absolutely and most definitely NOT by the Russian Deco style artist Sacha Zaliouk (1887 - 1971). It is also possible that this work was giclee printed on canvas and then embellished by hand on the surface. The estimate is based on actual recent past recorded auction sales of comparables. Retail 'asking prices' can be higher and vary.
Is the appraisal over
To: Nora Curl
I had revisited the painting above you apprised. The signature name on the canvas is not Sacha it's Sacne I didn't notice it until now, apparently you missed it to..this add a whole different spin on it now.That's why you didn't believe the painting wasn't the work of Sacha because it's not. What does this means. The question now is how is "Sacne"
What is the size of this? Also please add some more extreme close-ups of the surface, so I can see the texture as a photo of the backside (do not remove from frame).