An antique Victorian cranberry opalescent swirl oil lamp sconce unattributed maker, late 19th or early 20th Century
18 March 2025

It's made by that company in Spain....I don't have it in front of me right now. But it's SOLID.



Acquired from
For sale
Answered within about 7 hours
By Delia
Mar 19, 00:03 UTC
Fair Market Value
$2,000 - $3,000 USD
Suggested Asking Price $3,500 USD
What does this mean?

Hi Michael,

Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.

Thanks for the additional photos. With both being autographed and in such good condition, these are worth at auction about $1,000-1,500 each.

Based on the photos and information provided, and subject to examination, this is:

Two Peter S. Davis autographed Marto of Toledo swords
One a Highlander Dragon Samurai Katana Sword, the other a Zorro rapier
each late 20th or early 21st Century
The Highlander dragon samurai katana with carved ivorine or bone handle, brass tsuba and autographed blade, in a black lacquer scabbard; the Zorro rapier with silvered pommel and cast silvered metal knuckle grip and pierced crossguard, black shagreen-style grip, in a black silk-wrapped scabbard with silvered metal fittings. Each autographed
CONDITION: Both appear to be in good condition
PROVENANCE: Acquired from Peter Davis' distribution center in Oceanside, CA.
$ 2,000-3,000 for the two together*
*represents a fair-market value for auction purposes; retail or asking price may vary.

Please let us know if you have additional items to appraise, or questions/concerns, and thank you again for using Mearto.
~ Delia

Michael reminger Mar 19, 17:47 UTC

Dear Delia,

YES I can get you the dimensions/more pictures etc later tonight. I will send you everything within 24 hours for review. So I had an office right next to Peter’s distribution center in Oceanside, CA back over a decade ago. These came directly from HIS distribution center! 😊 I KNOW they are 100% authentic. I don’t have the certificate of authenticity like some of the others I saw on E-Bay. But I did see a couple other swords signed by Peter and my signature is valid and the exact same. I am sure an expert could confirm signature is REAL. 😊 We worked with the girls that worked there. My brother was/is a HUGE Conan The Barbarian fan. So she gave me some collector coins, some dagger letter openers and a few other things. She also asked me if I had someone to give some BROKEN swords to (the head was broken off) So she gave me a couple of broken swords and I sent them to my brother. He fixed them and these two are NOT those. The two I have and I sent you are in perfect condition. They DO have the markings of the big sword company in Spain. I will take pics of all the markings. These are NOT prop swords. They are real and fairly sharp. My brother sharpened HIS so they can cut paper. 😊 But the one that is SIGNED is obviously the one that is worth more. I will take a LOT of pictures and send them along with dimensions. THANK YOU for your help on this! 😊


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