Hard cover, copyright, 1938, by Coward, McCann & Geoghegan Inc., New York. Printed in the USA. Thirty-eight Impression, SBN: GB 399-60381-6. Outside cover spine has strip of black duct tape to hold front and back covers from falling apart. Small, neat, printed 1/4” inscription on inside hardcover page on top right hand corner written by my child’s aunty in black ink to commemorate my child’s 3rd birthday, “Happy Birthday Shelley, March 1979”. Outside hard front and back covers have turned light brown due to age. Top right hand corner of back cover shows slight deterioration of the material (eroding) at the very top edge. All the pages are securely intact, no scribbling, scratches, or markings, but all the edges show signs of aging with at least 1/2” very, very light hues of brownish shadowing which blend into the white pages. There are no definite lines of this shadow-like aging.
6-1/2” x 19”