bark and pigments, c. 17 1/2" w. x c. 28" h., mounted on wood panel
ex. coll. Harry Bober (my father, a noted art historian), 1988. Aquired by him in New York City in the 1950's
Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. Just as you suggested, this appears to be an aboriginal work of art by an anonymous mid century artist. Without a specific provenance down to the artist it is impossible to narrow the search. The estimate is based on similar artefacts by lesser known artists sold at auction.
I would doubt you will find any signatures. The idea of "signing" is a very western concept. And if it is from the 1950s I would be surprised to see a signature.
I think if it was in Australia it would be worth $600 - $800. It has a nice archaic style and i would buy it
Contact me on [email protected] if you want to sell these kangaroos
Dear David , I am interested in your bark painting. Should it be available, my email is [email protected] Thank you . Regards, Brian
hi David, I hope you are well. I can make a generous offer for this bark, can you please let me know if you are interested ?
thanks in advance
Thank you Klaus, and (I know this is speculation, I will try to inspect the back of the panel for a hand print or other), if it was by a known artist how would that change the valuation?