I bought this chair from a thrift store. The woman selling it said it was probably from the 50s or 60s. It's a light pink striped fainting chair with 4 wooden legs. Similar items on google sold for about 1500.
We bought it at a thrift store.
There are a few terms for this style of reclining chair back couch. They are referred to as divans, a recamier, a chaise longue (or lounge). Stylistically it is modeled after French Napoleon III chaise longue which originated around 1860. Slipper Chairs denote more of a wide, low-set chair, however they do not usually have the length for reclining. Yours is a Mid-20th Century piece and is referred to as an upholstered 'Hollywood Regency' Napoleon III Chaise Longue, divan or recamier. The estimate is based on actual recent past recorded auction sales of comparables.