15’x18 1/8 oil painting on canvas with gold wooden frame
Estate sale
Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This appears to be a second half 20th century italian painting, depicting a small canal in Venice, with a gondola and larger sailing vessels in the distance. The painting is signed "Ch.Cousin-". Style, subject and signature can be compared to paintings by Charles COUSIN (1904-1972) The Impressionist frame clearly adds value to the painting. The estimate is based on similar paintings offered or sold at auction. "Asking prices" in the trade can be higher and vary.
The painting is either by Charles Cousin (French 1904 - 1972) or Charles Eugene Cousin (19th/20th Cent) Both have venice scenes and both have sold at auction in the $800 - $1500 range. Both of their signatures are similar and in fact it may even be the same person
It is Ch Cousin as in Charles cousin not cousino